• 888-214-7234

KB Synergy Generates Two Types of Live Transfer Leads:

Internet Generated 800# Calls: Your Live Customer calls the 800# on the top of one of our many landing pages in the hopes to receive more information about your product or service. The prospect achieves immediate help, as the call is instantly sent to your phone number of choice. These are one of our hottest sellers when it comes to our KB internet leads.

There are several benefits to receiving these internet generated Live Leads. They Include:

You Receive Live Leads as Inbound Calls – Live, exclusive calls of interested people. Cold calling and follow-up phone calls are practically nonexistent as your phone begins to ring from these live leads. Say goodbye to “contact ratios”, as customers are actually picking up the phone to speak with you.

100% Contact Ratio –You are only billed when you take the incoming call, or live transfer leads.

Customer Initiated – You no longer will have to be concerned about your prospect not being available to talk. They are ready, they are live, they are motivated, and they are the ones calling you, ready to begin doing business. These internet leads are hot and have a solid closing ratio.

Valid Live Leads – You’ll never be billed for calls under 1 minute. You can find out quickly if the live lead asks about something unrelated or has a wrong number. Determine genuine interest in the product and never pay for invalid live leads.

Exclusive Live Transfer Leads – Stop worry about competing with other companies that provide the same service. Instead of sharing internet leads, for a little bigger investment than the cost of an internet lead you can have a prospect all to yourself, ready to move forward with your product or service.

High Sales Potential – The prospect has not spoken to a telemarketer or live transfer company, which tends to spoil your sale or force the prospect to speak to a rep. The quality of the live transfer lead being sent straight to you will be much higher.

TV Generated 800# Calls: With TV commercials and infomercials all around the United States, you can’t go wrong with a live, interested person on the other end. These are live leads generated from the 800# on commercials and infomercials across the country.

There are several benefits to receiving TV Generated Live Leads. They Include:

Motivated Prospect – Live exclusive calls that are generated from TV commercials. The prospect is ready and eager to speak with a sales rep.

100% Contact Ratio – You are only billed when you take the call. For roughly the same price as exclusive internet leads, you can get 100% contact ratio and exclusivity all in one.

No Expensive Campaigns – Why pay for expensive media in small or medium amounts? Why invest thousands or even tens of thousands when you don’t have to? Buying direct marketing services from a company like KB Synergy that has access to bulk media saves time, resources, and money.

Guarantee Your Leads – Don’t gamble on buying media spots, channels, times, or having the wrong commercial; getting one detail wrong can result in a very expensive campaign without the desirable amount of leads. You pay per live lead, not per ad or per time slot, guaranteeing you the results you want every time.

A Company Morale Booster – A great way to keep a positive attitude and productiveness up in the office is to have your phones ringing all day from the live transfer leads instead of burning out employees that are making outbound calls all day.

Choose When You Want Calls – Run for any specific hours Monday through Friday and denote certain hours that you can and would like to receive calls.

Pace Your Calls With Call Spacing – You have several options with call spacing, such as 1 call every 10 minutes, 1 call every 30 minutes, and so on. If you can’t get to the call, that’s ok! The call will get transferred to one of our other customers and you will not get billed.

Feel free to contact a KB Synergy Lead Generator Specialist today for a free quote on a targeted and accurate direct mail list or telemarketing lists. Our toll free number is 888-214-7234, or you can always email us at Sales@KBSynergy.com. We look forward to talking to you!